Really though, things are going so great. We are so happy here in Arizona, especially that the temperature is finally starting to drop into the double digits again :)
So are some quick pics.
We drove down here...
Went to school....but probably to Disneyland more...
Some trips just us and then Dan's family came down and we surprised Piper by taking her and the whole family to Disney on her birthday.
Amber and the kids surprised Piper and Kohen while we were all here in AZ and then came to Disney with us!
It was so much fun going and playing there every other weekend!
We had a pretty calm fourth of July...I had to study :( but there were tons of fireworks going off and so we went out on the course to watch with the dogs...we sat in what seemed like the perfect spot...until the sprinklers came on. Dan managed to save himself and I was right behind him until I realized that Darwin and Luna wouldn't move from the sprinklers. They just sat there! So I sacrificed myself to get them out and we were all soaked! It was a fun night.
Then we went home for Chelsea's wedding which was so beautiful!
We love where we live. We are renting a condo from our friend Jeff and it is so great, so close to school and of course right on the golf course. Danny is in heaven. So many nights we go out there after the flags are down and he'll hit a few balls while me and the pups will walk around and just enjoy the night.
I love it, when Dan is putting every once in a while Luna and Darwin will go and steal his golf ball right from under him.
Then we went for a quick weekend vacay to Las Vegas. It was so relaxing, and so much fun. We got to hang out with the newlyweds Sean and Chelsea! It was such a fun weekend full of sitting by the pool, dinner, lunch and visits. Crazy enough my Mom and Greg were in LV for the Garth Brooks concert and my Dad and Debbie just barely moved there too, so we got to get in lots of visiting. It worked out perfectly.
Then...after my finals were finished Danny had orientation every single day for eight I decided to jet home and visit family. I missed Dan so much, but it was great to hang out with everyone. It was busy while I was home! We did a Real soccer game, went to the Mumford and Sons concert, and went to a wedding.
Mumford was a blast!
Got some much needed Grandparent time in :)
As long as I live I will never forget driving to Mumford with the dancing slinky Alien dancing to Earth Wind and Fire.
And another quick trip to Disney :)
And now we are back in school and busier than ever. But all is well and we are so happy here! We love and miss everyone and are so excited to come home again and visit over Thanksgiving!